This page last revised on 10.30.2024
Hebrews 10:25
We should not stay away from our assembly, as is the custom of some, but encourage one another, and this all the more as you see the day drawing near.

By reviewing the list below, one can see all about ministries/persons, etc. connected to Catholic and Christian Louisiana. Each individual website owner has the obligation to its visitors to keep their own website updated and timely.
Please pray for the success and networking of all the people and sites below!
Through the Holy Spirit, each website builds on the gifts of the other!
To list your Louisiana Catholic ministry/apostolate, send the link to:
Please scroll down to view each website/blog. They are randomly listed. To see them all, please don't stop until you get to the end! Each and every one of them is worth your full attention. Each have their own charisms. Each have their own events. Click on a name to go directly to their website/blog.
Each Shining its own "Louisiana" Light into the darkness!

Louisiana Black Advocates for Life
Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Lake Charles
Focus - Louisiana Campuses
Abide Catholic Ministries
Pious Practical Solutions
We the People-Bayou Community
Behold Catholic Ministries, Inc.
Redbird Ministries
Carriers of Hope
Cajun Miracles Podcast
Miracle of the Rosary Mission, Inc.
Behold Catholic Ministries, Inc.
Radio Maria US
Christ our King Radio
Catholic Community Media
Vagabond Missions-Baton Rouge
Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat - Louisiana
Compassionate Burials for Indigent Babies
Blair Barlow Sacred Art
The New Vendée
The St. Louis IX Art Society
The Cenacle on the Lake
Lumen Chrisit Retreat Center
Encounter School of Ministry - Baton Rouge Campus
Community of Jesus Crucified
Holy Trinity Academy
Manresa House of Retreats
Our Lady of the Oaks Jesuit Retreat Center
Maryhill Retreat Center
Our Lady of the Bayous Retreat House
Stillwater Catholic Retreat Center
Our Lady of Hope Retreat Center (in MS)
Connolly Game Ranch Retreats (in TX)
Family Missions Company
Charlene Richard Foundation
Word & Worship
Echo Community
Diane St. Germain Blog
Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center/Sr. Dulce
Purgatory People
Holy Water Books
The Scott Smith Blog/The Catholic Nerd
St. Sharbel Maronite Mission of Louisiana
Paul George
Can I Getta Amen Podcast
The Light Project
Totus Tuus Ministries
Mary's Helpers
Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Houma-Thibodaux
Men of the Immaculata
Marian Servants of the Word
Come, Lord Jesus!
Brown Pelican Society of Louisiana
National Shrine of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos
Cursillo Center in Prairie Ronde
National Votive Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor
Willwoods Community
Center of Jesus the Lord
Catholic Charismatic Renewal of New Orleans
Hope and Purpose Ministries
Joyful Noise Ministries
Kitty Cleveland - All Glory to God
Poor Friars and Poor Nuns
Cajun Man Swamp Pilgrimages
Louisiana Right to Life
Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Lafayette
Haiti Mission
Missionaries of Our Lady, Maria Rosa Mystica
God Made Self Driven
St. Raphel Ministry
Fr. Robert-Joel Cruz & Pax Christi Healing Ministry
Fr. Manny Fernandez
Every and All
Spirit Aflame
Lift 3:16
Holy Mother Church
Krewe de Jeanne d'Arc
The Blood of the Lamb
The Lamb Shall Lead International, Inc.
Echo Community
Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops
Notre Dame Seminary
New Orleans Archdiocese
Alexandria Diocese
Baton Rouge Diocese
Houma-Thibodaux Diocese
Lafayette Diocese
Lake Charles Diocese
Shreveport Diocese
Please pray for the success and networking of all of the above!
Through the Holy Spirit, each ministry builds on the gifts of the other!
Your Louisiana Catholic ministry is not listed above? Let us know. Send information to: