We are always looking for Louisiana-connected, multi-parish events and items of interest to add to the information available to the Louisianawim.  Events that are multi-parish are most important.  To Add or Correct an Event, email 





Coming together as PRAYER WARRIORS to PRAY... PRAY....PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY, OUR CATHOLIC RELIGION AND ALL WHO FORM THIS, From the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Priest, Brothers, Seminarians, Nuns, Novices, etc. And those descerning for any part of our religion. And of Course for our lay people, whom if it were not for them a lot of Parishes would not be.............

WHEN: ------- THE 25TH OF EACH MONTH  --

TIME:--------- 6:30PM

If anyone is interested in being a part of the Lockport Armada Prayer Group, Karen Charpentier will be leading us at The Dominican Nuns Chapel in Lockport 25th of each month  6:30 PM . Pass the word and bring a friend, and bring your Rosary--See you there!!!!!!  During school when CCD classes going on Monday or Tuesday nights and the 25th falls on one of those nights will start later--at 7:30PM!!.

What is an Armada Prayer Group? A group of Prayer Warriors, coming together as asked!! the Request of

At OUR LADY OF THE MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD, we are being asked to pray on the 25th of each Month. We will be saying particular prayers which include the Armor of God Prayer,  Life Offering prayer, Litany of God the Father, Litany of the Most Precious blood of Jesus Christ,  Litany of the Blessed Virgin, Consecration to the orecious Blood of Jesus Christ, and the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of the Bkessed Virgin Mary.


Armada Group statistics 

Interesting static's about Armada groups.   Share info with your group, ask them to invite other people to join group.

I thought y’all might be interested in some stats I put together from the Armada reports that have reported in to me.

Not everyone reports in every month. So I have made some assumptions on groups that only report periodically. However, I believe these are pretty accurate. So here goes.

The first thing you need to know is Our Lady of the Most Precious Blood has said that there are over 4 million people in over 120 countries saying the Armada Rosary. Some countries have a lot like Venezuela with over one million Armada Rosaries and some countries have as few as one.

We have 48 groups reporting in on at least an irregular basis.

Seven of these groups are one person praying with their Guardian Angel

Seven groups have two people praying.

24 groups, half the number reporting in, have from 3 to 9 people praying.

Six groups have 10- 19 people praying.

Five groups have 20-29 people praying.

Two groups have over 30 people praying.