For more information about Radio Maria (USA) click on the image of Our Lady.

The Good News Hour
This Radio Maria program that airs on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month has a new host/presenter. Mary Bond from Thibodaux has handed over the program she has hosted for many years to Penny Antill from Houma (left). On this particular program Penny is interviewing Jeanine Avila (also from Houma). The Good News Hour speaks to testimonies and to topics of eternal concern. For more information about Radio Maria click on the image. Penny also is active in the Charismatic Renewal of Houma-Thibodaux. For more information on that, click here.
Prayer Time
Note: Penny Antill has also taken over and continues to air Mary Bond's Prayer Time program that is a call in request prayer program on Mondays at 4:00 pm (CST). Requests for prayer are received as the program progresses during the hour and/or texted in and/or emailed in live during the program.
Got a need for prayer? Call it in to theRadio Maria!