You, your family and friends are invitedto the Public Square Rosary on the last Saturday of each month 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon at the intersection of Johnston St. and University Ave. Lafayette, Louisiana
For nearly six years Acadiana Catholics have peacefully gathered each month at this busy intersection to recite a Public Square Rosary for America and the local community. Every last Saturday of the month, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 noon, public prayer and a witness of our faith are offered to God through Mary's intercession. Prayer and public reparation for the sins of abortion and so many other public offenses that provoke the Divine Justice. As Catholics we need to pray and take a public stance for the Christian family and traditional marriage: one man, one woman, with God's blessing. If you live too far from Acadiana, please join us and those "on the road" in prayer. And... why not start your own monthly Public Square Rosary where you live?
To visit TFP's website, click here.